
Monday, February 15, 2010

Chickpea and Spinach Curry

Night two for Vegan With a Vengeance, with my first attempt at a curry. We made a few alterations to the recipe. First was using ground ginger since the fresh ginger we had wasn't so fresh any more. Second was using ground cardamom in place of cardamom pods, which our usual grocery store didn't seem to have. Upon spice testing toward the end of the cooking process, we added a little more curry powder as well as salt.

The dish was good, but a little more bland then the copious amounts of spice would suggest. My coworker of Indian heritage, told me today that she lives off of curry, so I'm hoping she can give me some good tips on uping the heat of the dish. In the future, we will definitely make sure we have some fresh ginger also more tomato and tomato juice. We give this one 3 out of 5 stars with high hopes of a better dish on the next attempt.

mustard seed and onion

 spices and tomato added

 cooking down the spinach

 simmer with the chickpeas

 we went with a bed of rice

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. To up the heat, add more cayenne pepper and a bit of cin.and clove. Ya'll are workin it in the kitchen!
